Love, love, love is a verb

Love is a doing word.



So that's depressing. Eddie Bauer (*cringe*) doesn't have that watch thing anymore. I shouldn't've expected them to, that was last Christmas. I'm sure I can find it somewhere.
Occasionally I read old posts on Nate's old lj. Not too often because they make me sad.
  1. Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality.
  2. Capricious; impulsive: “At worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious” (Louis Auchincloss).
I'm feeling like something is coming over me. Slowly, but creeping into my bones and the corners of my mind. The monster that haunts me from time to time has come out to play with my mind again.
Last night at work I saw a brown paper bag sitting on a chair as I was cleaning up. I peeked into it and there was a novelty wine glass. The kind that looks like you've spilled it. It was...interesting. In any case it looked lonely so I brought it home. I don't know what I'm to do with it, but it's sitting on my counter. Mum hasn't seen it yet.
Someone was asking me last night what I do for fun. I couldn't think of anything. "I...erm...hang out with my friends...?" You know, all three of them. All I'm really doing at the moment is working and coming home. Oooh! Fun.
I am losing my train of thought. School today. It needs to be next week. I am looking very forward to my Photoshop class on friday. We're working with CS. Which I keep wondering do I get a copy of it? Is it going to be just at school we do this? Am I going to have to buy a copy?
Nathan Fillian is my backround at the moment. It's great. "Mercy is the mark of a great man. Guess I'm just a good man. Well, I'm alright." *sigh* I cannot wait for the movie. I really really really need to buy Jayne's hat before the premier. I want to buy tickets to the midnight showing. I think Joss and Sarah would be up for going. They both love it. Joss has a crush on Mal, like me. Mmm...Cap't tight pants. Lmao.
I need to eat something and rewrite that letter. It's all messy and stuff from the weird angles I have to write at at work. Lack of table and chairs does that. At least in the back room. Shite, I cannot even mail the letter until tomorrow. *hates not having money* I put my last 20 into my tank yesterday and got 6 gallons. Ridiculous. I'm sick of the world and it's crookedness.
I remember maybe sophomore year Vanessa figured out how to send something to me without using postage. It was funny. I think I still have that letter.
I need better pics of Nate. I'm pretty sure I deleted just about all of them off my computer. Stupid anger. I know there are a few from faire and stuff around I'm just not sure where.
I really like Lucid 3. I think Fuel for a scandal is my favorite song so far. It's...angry-ish. It makes me happy. How bass ackwards is that?
Food now. No really.


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